Be good, Be strong, Love you
Only Positive affirmations, Be strong Today I was at the car line in the school doing some volunteer hours. I had the opportunity to help some little guys get off their cars. I saw many excited faces… other not so much, more like sleepy little persons. But despite their feelings about arriving to school it was […]
Is Intentional Kindness Overrated?
Should we practice intentional kindness? Growing up, you were likely told to be kind to others. But when you grow up, it’s easy to forget to show others we care. Being intentionally kind doesn’t require a lot of planning or effort. Here are three ways to you can practice intentional kindness today: Be thoughtful of […]
Is it Good To Keep Your Mouth Shut?
Is it Good To Keep Your Mouth Shut? A turtle was lying on the bank of a river one day when he heard two hunters walk by, talking about how they planned to come back the next day to catch some turtles for soup. He worried all night, because he knew he couldn’t outrun the […]
How to Boost Your Confidence
Easily Boost Your Confidence Confidence plays a big role in achieving your goals. Whether you want to train for a long distance race, land a dream job, or travel alone for the first time a little positivity and self-assurance go a long way. But confidence doesn’t always come naturally. So sometimes, we just need a […]
Who doesn’t want to feel happy?
4 Simple Tricks to Be More Happy What I’ve found is there are some simple ways to add little bursts of happiness into your day.Next time you need a cheery pick-me-up, try doing more of this… Show some humility. Laughing at yourself not only releases endorphins, but it helps you takeyourself less seriously. Get stuff […]
Are You Organizing Your Life?
Are You Organizing Your Life? Having too many to-dos and things to remember can give you a major case of scatterbrain.Many of us vow again and again to get organized, once and for all. But this is always easier saidthan done.And let’s not forget how our environment can bring on the mental chaos. Cluttered closets,messy […]
Should be a “Heck no!”? – Trust Your Intuition
Learn to Trust Your Intuition Gut feelings. Instinct. Intuition. It’s easy to ignore that little voice, but oftentimes, it’s giving usthe exact advice we need to hear … just when we need to hear it.Trust your intuition and it could help you make better life choices. Tune into what you’re feelingand you’ll build this trust […]
A Message to You from your Younger Self
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock and do things over? In hindsight, there are probably many things you’d do differently when you were younger. Life’s lessons give us much wisdom over the years, and some mistakes were meant to be made. Others we wish we could have […]
Lighten The Load…
A Message to help you Lighten The Load If you’re anything like me, your days are jam packed. And the ever-growing “to do” list can get overwhelming and stressful. What I’ve learned over the years is that you don’t have to do it all; you just need to do your best. The mind can only take so much, […]