Drumline Live performs at Pembroke Pines City Center Opening Night
City officials like Mayor Ortiz, Commissioner Schwartz and Commissioner Castillo were at this first presentation. The just opened Pembroke Pines City Center featured DRUMLine Live. They performed a creative and full of energy show. It is an entertaining show honoring the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) marching band tradition. Impeccable choreography. Most of all, The show engaged the audience several times into clapping, standing and watching them play their trumpets all over the floor.
The New Pembroke Pines City Center will also host the city administration. The facility offers 35,000 square feet of flexible space to host sports, school, concerts and any type of event you may think. Many performers are lining up. Later this year the Pembroke Pines City Center has already many events scheduled like the recognized Kool & The Gang.
Most likely the PPCC will turn into a landmark for the region because it will bring attention to our city. Congratulations to all the persons that working so hard to make this possible. To see what is next at the PPCC you can go to their page: http://www.pembrokepinescitycenter.org/events